After already playing twice this weekend, it was hard for us to look forward to the hour and a half drive out to Hartland Michigan to play in the rain for a group of Rv campers.

We were already tired, feelin’ lonely and a bit worn down from entertaining at several events that week.  However, the day turned into a really pleasant experience for everyone involved.

I don’t think that the campers knew that we were going to be entertaining for the afternoon,  and we certainly didn’t know if we could even play, since the rain had been forecast for the entire day.

As it turned out, the rain stopped halfway through our drive, and never returned.

We arrived at the Taylor Beach Campground with minimal issues, right on time.  (and, as usual, a wee bit early, actually.)

The rain had just stopped that hour, and people were in the process of coming out of hiding.  Like startled Munchkins after a passing witch, one by one we watched them poke their heads out from their recreational homesteads, venture down to the beach, look around to settle in and reclaim the day.

Before we knew it, the beach was alive with activity.

Setting up was quick and easy and before we knew it 1:30 was upon us, and time to fire up our instruments and make some beaconing, island music.

Of course Jimmy Buffett was up to the task.

It was not long before both Carl and I had sung two or three Caribbean-style musical offerings, and we were ready to expand our musical horizons.

Time for some, good ‘Ol time country music; a hit, all right!

Now the floodgates opened up and the people that were gathering became more and more vocal with their many song requests.

We had three ladies right in front of us who were not the least bit shy about their musical desires or expectations.

As always, that was great news for Carl and I as we love to have women tell us what to do.  (It works out better that way.)

We played rock, folk rock, country and more island tunes; right up until our our first break.  It was time to go meet more interesting people who were indigenous to the Taylor Family campground.

Sometimes meeting new People can be one of the best aspects of our profession.  We get unbiased feedback, encouragement and a chance to show strangers what we are capable of.  (Ok, stop.  I know what you’re thinking . . . .)

Our next set was more of the same with requests now pouring in from all points of the compass.  Lots of the suggestions were of country music, as it must hold a very special place in the hearts and minds of recreational vacationers.

A very special thanks to the kind man and outstanding photographer who offered to snap some amazing pictures of the event.  It was very much appreciated!

It was a very pleasant afternoon.  The pace was slow and extremely laid-back.  A casual summer Sunday, you might say.

It was an afternoon where each and every song we played seemed to fit it to a tee.  It was a day where the music was not just heard, but listened to.

Carl and I worried for a week about this gig.  The weather was forecast as being cold, wet and rainy.  We thought that people would not be there, and it was on the verge of being cancelled all together.

We are so glad that even at this time in our lives, where we sometimes believe that we have seen it all, we are still occasionally pleasantly surprised.

We will be back at camp on October 26th for the big Chili Cook-off.  Nothing will dampen our spirits until then!



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