Those immortal word have been our Bob and Carl Holiday Extravaganza kick-off song for more Christmas seasons than we can count, now.

On Tuesday, December 14th, we began another year of entertaining kids at Twain Elementary, in Fraser Michigan. Smiles, fun and a whirl-wind hour of crazy holiday music was just the thing to signal another incredible Christmas season was underway.

This years’ show had several new elements in it, which as it seems, the kids enjoyed wholeheartedly.

Lights, balls, bells, rings and all kinds of crazy holiday friends took the stage in what might be observed as an “Best Of” Bob and Carl celebration.

Our first show of the day began at Twain Elementary, where we usually begin the holiday school shows.  Such great/happy kids, and a very warm staff, always helps us get the “bugs” out and the timing just right.

This year we moved on to Edison Elementary for two exciting shows.  Exciting it was, as each song was met with wondrously wide eyes and screams.

So much music, we have had to cut several songs to even get out in an hour.  That being said, when you look at the pictures below, and might just notice the kids didn’t notice a thing.

Smiles, smiles and more smiles all around as each song focused more and more energy and delight on each melodic and visual element in front of them.  They never stop cheering.  They never stop smiling.  They never stop enjoying every part of the show, no matter what year it is, or what school.

It is truly the best, most rewarding time of year for us.  We bring music, fun and delight that will create memories that will last throughout every holiday season in each child’s’ forever.


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