“Spring to summer, March to June.  
Anything can happen; so happen, soon!”

Almost summer.  But, not really.

It can be cold and snowy or hot and melty.  Don’t bother peeking at the calendar if you live in Michigan, it won’t help you.  It really has no idea either.  Looking at the calendar is like looking into box of un-opened chocolates: great promise, but every once in a while you will have one that you wish you could just spit out.

So we settled on Fridays, year and years ago when we started playing as a duo in the 80’s.  We just like Fridays more, It fits Carl and I.  It’s the day of the week, that when you work, you look ahead to. T.G.I.F.!

Always Friday.

We have had some amazing Fridays through the years.  Annnd . . . we have had our share of stinkers.  All we can do is to be there and give all that we have.  We try to do those things, and more each Friday.  Well, each day that we perform, be it Friday, Saturday or the rare Tuesday night.

My point is this . . . you can never tell what is going to happen, by simply guessing at a date on a calendar.  The day, the date, the season, economy, politics, psychology, genealogy and meteorology all play their part.  Mostly, Carl and I just hold on for dear life rather than try and navigate the torrent.

So on any given Friday night, at the Three Blind Mice Irish Pub in beautiful downtown Mount Clemens, Michigan, we simply try and hoooooooold on.

Last Friday, it was kind of a full house as we began to set up.  We usually arrive nearly an hour before every job that we play.  That gives us time to deal with anything unusual that pops up.  (We get a lot of that).

Sometimes though, being ready for a job early gives us time to reflect and repair.  Time to evaluate what we wish to accomplish that night, and try and find a way to survive.

It also gives us time to e a s e into playing.  Meaning: when we show up at someones’ “dinner table”, with big amplifiers and musical gear, it tends to spook them.  If you have big speakers, apparently, you are going to be loud.  Simply how people think that it works.  Doesn’t matter if it is true or not.  So, when we move equipment in any venue, we have to do it slowly and carefully.  We don’t want to ruin anyone’s dinner experience.

It was nearly full on this Friday night, and after the first set it was still full.  (Imagine that?).  Many people come in for dinner and then leave right after.  Not considering that entertainment will be part of their evening experience.  We know that coming in, and try our best to be entertaining, not overpowering.  It is a very fine line at times.

The weather was beautiful outside, with many opportunities for people on this wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  Lots of competition for their time and money.  We knew that it was going to be slower, and were just trying to make it fun for them while they joined us.

In the entertainment business, there are always wonderful things might happen when there are less people at the shows.  One great thing is that we can take more time to get to know people.  Time we wouldn’t normally have.  That is one of the best things we have enjoyed in the last few years; getting to know some really incredible people.

Not that easy, when you are a shy as Carl and I are.

Last Friday night was no exception.  We met several new people and got re-aquainted with some fans who had seen us earlier in the year.  They made a point to let us know that they enjoyed it so much the last time, that they simply had to come back again.

Nothing pleases us more!

Up the stairs to the second floor where it was a bit slow too, and yet, each and every person who was in attendance, was having a great time.

Paper Covers Rock was in full flight as I watched, blazing out the hits that made every one in the audience think . . . “Why isn’t this band on tour?”

Great question.

They have all the talent and showmanship.  I’m imagining that they simply need to get their foot in the door, and great things will happen.

For our second half of the night, we connected with some new, young wine entrepreneurs.   We discussed life, business and the fascinating marriage of wine and song.  Truly enjoyed the experience.

We have learned that you can never judge a day by simply looking at the calendar.  You can also never judge the quality of the crowd, by simply counting heads.  Its what’s inside those heads that really counts.

Spring is quickly giving way to summer.  We don’t look too far ahead.  We try and focus on what we have right now; and do our best to help everyone to enjoy the moment.

After all, its always summer somewhere, right?


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