IMG_0860 IMG_0862 IMG_0863 IMG_0865 IMG_0866 IMG_0867The big day began for us at Clancy’s, to the delight of those hearty, early-morning revelers. 7:30 Am, and the Irish pub was already pulsing with green delight. They came dressed in every possible way of expressing their Irish flair. Glowing, pulsing glasses. Huge hats, skirts and swag of all description. The music began and so did the sing-alongs.
Our day started at an easy pace. Everyone content to ease into the holiday, while sharing, a song, an adult beverage and some people watching.

We played, from 7:30 until about 9:10. It was then that we moved our equipment out of the way, so that another band could entertain the growing crowd. Cole Cannon took the stage so that we could exit for the next part of our huge day . . . .

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